Parents Association
Contact email Should you be interested in joining, you would be really welcome and any small contribution is appreciated. You can contact us by email. Thank you.
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The school also have an app called ‘Flexibuzz’ which can be downloaded on your phone by going to the app store and searching Flexibuzz.
All parents of children attending the school belong to the Parents’ Association.
During November of each new school year the Parents’ Association AGM is held. At this the Chairperson of the previous year’s committee talks about the work of the committee in the previous year, and the Treasurer provides an overview of the accounts.
During the AGM new committee members are elected and a date set for the first official committee meeting of the year at which officers will be elected. There are three officers, the Chairperson, the Secretary and the Treasurer.
It is actively encouraged that the committee is made up of Mums, Dads and Guardians of Junior Infants children through to 6th class, so that the whole school is represented. A list of committee members is circulated to the school. If anyone has any queries or topics they would like discussed or would like to get involved they should contact a committee member or email
Who we are
We are a group of parents (Mums, Dads and Guardians) who volunteer to join the association. Members participate and help out when they can. We are an active association who meet once a month, (the first Tuesday of every month during term time). The committee is made up of a Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer and approximately 15/20 parents.
Our Calendar of Events shows what we do and when we do it. Part of the funds we raise cover the costs of some of these events e.g. The Communion, Graduation and Santa Day.
Maybe you would like to help out but don’t have a whole lot of time to spare? Why not join our volunteers list. We keep a database of volunteers who we contact when we need an extra hand at the larger events. If you would like to take part, please send an email to e-mail address above and we’ll let you know when we need extra help. It’s a great way to be involved with school activities without having to commit too much of your time.