Literacy, Visual Arts, Drama & Music



Language shapes who we are

Language is central to how and what we learn.

It is the primary medium through which new learning is acquired and assimilated. As such, it plays a vital part in the expansion of the child’s own understanding of the world and their acquisition of knowledge, dispositions and skills.

Visual Arts

Visual Arts

The Visual arts curriculum is for children from junior infants to sixth class.

The curriculum consists of six strands:

  • Drawing
  • Paint and colour
  • Print
  • Clay
  • Construction
  • Fabric and fibre.
Visual Arts
Visual Arts
Visual Arts
Visual Arts
Visual Arts
Visual Arts


Christmas at Hollypark

The Drama curriculum is for children from junior infants to sixth class.

The curriculum includes one strand that consists of:

  • Exploring and making drama
  • Reflecting on drama
  • Cooperating and communication in making drama.


Music is for children from junior infants to sixth class.

Children are introduced to music reading and writing, to song singing and to playing classroom instruments.

The Music curriculum has three interrelated strands:

  • Listening and Responding
  • Performing
  • Composing.