Green Schools and Green Fingers
We have an abundance of green space in and around our campus.
Our Green Schools committee are presently working on the theme of Biodiversity.
We have wildflower gardens growing in the front and rear of the school to promote bee pollination. We are following the All-Ireland Pollinator Plan and we have an outdoor classroom which is used by all classes for a host of curricular areas.
Green Schools
Working together for a sustainable future

Green-Schools is Ireland’s leading environmental management and award programme, working with primary and secondary schools across the country.
Pollinator plan
In 2015 bee experts in Ireland came together to produce the All-Ireland Pollinator Plan 2015‑2020.
We decided to do this because we know that lots of our bees are in big trouble and could disappear from Ireland if we don’t do something to help.
Without bees we won’t be able to grow our own fruits and vegetables, and our wildflowers will begin to disappear making Ireland a very dull place. We don’t want this to happen. We want to hear the buzz of hard-working bees carrying out their important pollination work. We want them to be there so that we can grow healthy food to feed you, and so that you can grow healthy food to feed your children someday.
To stop bees disappearing from Ireland we need your help. We need you to tell everyone how important bees are. We also need you to make your school and garden a safe place for bees to live.

Outdoor classroom
“Anything you teach in an indoor classroom can be taught outdoors, often in ways that are more enjoyable for children.”
Cathy James