Mission Statement

St. Patrick’s B.N.S. was established to cater for the Catholic community of Foxrock Parish, and its environs. However pupils of different religions do attend, and are respected. Many nationalities are represented and are welcome.


We aim to make our school a centre where young people feel accepted, and their personal worth and dignity is affirmed; where the spiritual, intellectual and physical potential of each individual is recognised, respected and developed: where special concern for the disadvantaged and underprivileged is experienced and encouraged and where staff, parents and students co-operate for the common good.

We try to awaken the hearts and minds of young people; to help them value and develop their heritage of faith and culture; to encourage them to use their talents positively.

We acknowledge that the parent/guardian is the first and foremost educator and the school welcomes communication, participation and collaboration based on mutual trust and understanding. The staff, pupils and parents value and affirm each other by sharing a common mission; by working in collaboration and by exchanging inspiration, support and encouragement.

This document forms an integral part of the School Plan. It is a condition of attendance at this school that pupils abide by the rules and regulations in this Code of Discipline. The code has been drawn up after a process which involved consultation with every teacher in the school, pupils, parents and the Board of Management. It will be reviewed at regular intervals.

The staff shall work as a team in pursuance of its aims and the support and co-operation of parents are essential to its effective operation. If teachers and parents are not working in harmony, the pupils will inevitably suffer. Parents will be informed at an early stage if problems occur.