Helpers needed for Holy Communion
Hollypark Boys Parents Assoc.
Dear Parents/Guardians,
The Parents Assoc. of Hollypark Boys School are looking for offers of help to make food for the Holy Communion on Saturday 28th April.
We are particularly asking for help from families with boys in 1st and 3rd class for the obvious reasons that 1st class boys will be having their special day next year and 3rd class received their communion last year.
Lots of work goes into making the Holy Communion morning so special, but it wouldn’t work without you.
Small savouries, sandwiches, cakes or buns are most welcome with a cup of tea so if you can put a plate together we would be extremely appreciative.
Food can be dropped to the Pastoral Centre between 9.00 and 10.30 on Saturday 28th April.
Many thanks in advance,
Sarah Abbey
Yes I (name & class)…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
can make savoury ……………………………………………...………… or sweet…………………………..……………..………….
Please drop into Parents Assoc. box in the office on the morning of Friday 27th April