St. Patrick’s Kawese – Kenya – update!

Mrs. Mc Carrick and Mrs.Kelly are getting regular updates from our twin school.

The bicycle project is coming along well. Since our visit last Easter, 12 of the bikes from the bike scheme have been given to pupils mainly and to two teachers. With increased attendance and improved academic performance, these children will own the bikes after two years.

Our 6th class boys will each send one of our ‘Living Christmas Tree’ cards (a great use for the remaining cards) to a pupil in our twin school – together with photos. For the older children in Kenya, hopefully, they will become pen-pals for our boys. We look forward to building three moreclassrooms and in particular to working with the teachers to help improve teaching and learning in St. Patrick’s.

The children’s education in Kawese is their future – that is very clear when you see it on the ground. It is great to see the difference we in Hollypark can make in these children’s lives.

St. Patrick’s Kawese – Kenya – update
St. Patrick’s Kawese – Kenya – update
St. Patrick’s Kawese – Kenya – update