Wednesday letter April 17th 2024
Photo credit: Andrew Clancy, Past pupil, Class of 2021. This photograph was taken during lockdown while Andrew was in 6th class.
Welcome Back!
Tempus Fugit! It is hard to believe we are in Term 3 already. We have another busy term lined up with First Holy Communions, Confirmations, sports day, school tours, GAA, soccer, golf, tennis matches, graduation and a whole lot more! Keep an eye on the weekly newsletter for updates.
Best wishes to our 2nd class boys who make their First Holy Communion this Saturday. Thank you to Mr. Murphy, Ms. Costello & Ms. Flannery for preparing our boys for communion. Thank you to Ms. Morgan and Ms. Brennan for leading our communion choir. Our 4th and 5th class choir will make the occasion extra special. I look forward to attending on Saturday afternoon. We pray for a sunny day!
Volunteers Needed – Saturday 20th April
The Parents’ Association are looking forward to welcoming some of the 2nd class boys and their families for refreshments at the Pastoral Centre after their First Communion mass this Saturday. We are seeking volunteers to assist us between 2.30pm – 4.00pm on the day. If you are available and would like to help out, please contact Sarah directly on 087 2842802 or at Your help would be really appreciated.
A big thank you to the parents of 1st class and 3rd class who are very generously preparing sweet and savoury treats. These can be dropped into the Pastoral Centre between 11.00 am - 12.00 noon on Saturday 20th April.
Many thanks,
Sarah Walsh
Hollypark PA
Following on from a wonderful Engineers Week and with the help of your very generous voluntary contributions, we have invested in STEM equipment. We have purchased over 80 'STEM BINS' full of equipment like building blocks, cubes of all different sizes, pattern blocks, pipe tubes, construction straws, magnetic tiles, stackiing rocks, stackers & K'nex for building and construction which are now in every class from Infants to 6th. As well as this, we have invested in STEM technology. Lego Spike, Sphero, Indy Bots and Bee Bots are used from Infants to 6th. We are already seeing the positive impact this is having within our school. Boys are being challenged daily through STEM activities and challenges while skills such as planning, communication, collaboration and turn-taking are also being developed. We could not have made this significant investment if it wasn't for your generosity -we thank you most sincerely.
Thank you to Ms. Hynes for leading all things STEM in Hollypark.
Pictured below is a sample of our 'STEM BINS'
Ms. Dennan's 1st class have even busy making wonderful creations during daily STEM stations. The boys were given a task to complete in groups. Pictured below are some of the fantastic animals they created. Also attached is the wonderful car made by Sam and Hugo using Meccano. The boys are also learning valuable social skills such as listening, taking turns, communicating and collaboration.
We are really looking forward to a visit from the Dublin Youth Orchestra on Friday, April 19th. Over 40 musicians will descend on Hollypark BNS to play a 30 minute concert for 1st and 4th class students. One of the 40 musicians happens to be a pupil from Ms. O Dubhagáin's class. Oscar Cullen, 4th class, plays the cello and has been a member of the DYO for the past number of years. We can't wait to hear Oscar and his orchestra play on Friday morning.
While we were enjoying our Easter holidays, our wonderful caretaker, Mr. Jones, was busy at work creating this world map masterpiece. It really is a magnificent addition to our school and is a major focal point on our corridor. We have boys in Hollypark from all over the world and it is lovely for our pupils to educate us on their birthplace, culture and their journey to Ireland. Please feel free to pop in and have a look, you won't be disappointed.
Thomas in 1st class is a real star. Last week, Thomas knitted this gorgeous teddy bear. He made it look so easy! Thomas' granny Jackie has always been his inspiration and she taught him how to knit. He even managed to give the teddy the Mayo colours, great work Thomas!
School Closures -Term 3
Monday, May 6th – Friday, May 10th (inclusive) | May Break |
Thursday, May 30th | Staff Inservice: New Maths curriculum |
Monday, June 3rd & Tuesday, June 4th | June Bank Holiday |
Friday, June 7th | Local Elections, polling station |
Last day of term: Friday, June 28th
First day of new school year: Wednesday 29th August 2024.
This week is a very special week for these great boys:
Cormac Bentley, Senan Mac Hugh, Oliver Saunders, Seán Flanagan, Elliott Polley, Daniel Donohue, Evin Doherty Heaney, Giacomo Teatini, Arthur Cullen and Louis Jordan.
We hope you have a lovely celebration!
Beir bua agus beannacht,