Wednesday Letter - 20th October 2021

sports blitz 2021

We are all looking forward to our annual fundraising Sports Blitz on Thursday 21st October.

Sports activities on the day will include soccer, GAA, rugby, cricket, tennis, table tennis, Playball, cricket, Yoga, Pilates to name just a few! It will be a great fun filled day for the boys. Activities will be held outdoors so hopefully the weather will be good! Please ensure your child has a rain jacket on the day.

This is our main annual fundraising event for the school and the funds raised will also go directly towards classroom supplies, new books for the library and also helps with covering the PA costs for events during the year such as Communion celebrations, Santa visits and graduations.

Sponsorship cards can now be returned to school.

All support is greatly appreciated.

A huge thank you must go to Sarah, her Parents’ Association team and all volunteers for incredible organising, planning and preparation. We are really looking forward to Sport for All!


Halloween dress up

On Friday, 22nd October, the boys are allowed to dress up in costume. It is optional but certain rules must be followed to ensure the safety and welfare for all.

  • No accessories i.e. nothing the boys need to hold in their hand or items that can be put down for others to potentially pick up and handle.
  • Be mindful that the costume is not going to scare a younger student. If you think a junior infant will be frightened then tone it down and reconsider.
  • No long capes, onesies, or dangly material or anything that may be a tripping hazard.
  • Costumes should be comfortable and practical for sitting in the classroom for the day. i.e. no inflatable costumes etc.
  • Please remember to maintain social distancing measures at drop-off and pick-up times.


Staff Inservice: Friday 22nd October

The DES has sanctioned a half-day school closure in Term One 2021/22 to facilitate staff in-service on the Primary Language Curriculum.Hollypark BNS & GNS have agreed that this half day will be taken on Friday 22nd October which is the final day of this half term. We will operate a staggered finish on Friday 22nd Octoberto facilitate social distancing.


Junior Infants


Senior Infants


5th and 6th Class


4th Class


3rd Class


2nd Class


1st Class. *Collect from rear of the school.


safe routes to school

DLR and An Taisce are currently working with each other to draft a safe route to school for our pupils. The Safe Routes to School Team would like your input to determine how students travel to school and where they start their journey.

Our school will benefit from any improvements in the area and we hope to create a safer environment for children walking, cycling and scooting to school.

Thank you to the 97 families who have so far responded to the travel survey. We would appreciate it if more families could complete this short survey by 31st October. Thank you.



Cyber break

Cyber Safe Kids is looking for children and parents to ditch their devices from 5pm, 15th Oct (Fri) - 5pm 16th Oct (Sat) Cyber Break 2021 is aimed at schoolchildren aged between 8-12 years of age but all young people, as well as parents are encouraged to get involved.

The aim is to promote a healthy balance between our online and offline lives.


aladdin connect

Please ensure you have downloaded the Aladdin Connect app and that you have updated your address, phone numbers and emergency contacts details.


Halloween safety

We were delighted to welcome our community Garda, Gavin, into Junior Infants and 5th classes this week. Gavin was stressing the importance of safety at Halloween. I have attached a message from Dlr regarding safety and social responsibilities this Halloween.

Halloween Safety


Enrolment for Junior Infants 2022-2023 is now open.

The school will commence accepting applications for admission on 

4th October 2021


The school shall cease accepting applications for admission on 

5th November 2021

@ 3:00pm


The date by which applicants will be notified of the decision on their application is    

26th November 2021


The period within which applicants must confirm acceptance of an offer of admission is*

10th December 2021


Every class in the school is currently celebrating Diversity month. The corridors are awash with positive vibes and inclusion. This week, each class took part in an art competition. Messages from the classes include, We are all Different, We are all Unique, Be Yourself and Value Each Other to name but a few. I have attached some beautiful artwork from our overall winners, Ms. O’ Neill’s 5th class.

I have also included the three winners from each class in the school. Well done boys, you are sharing a very important message.

Junior Infants

Senior Infants

1st Class

2nd Class

Cameron Webbley


Nebras Alsulami


Hugo Bowen

Harry Heraghty


Finán Kinsella


Barry Maxwell

David Finnegan


Oscar O'Toole


Jafar Ahmed

Rory Wise


Thomas O'Riordan


Kaiden Arandela

3rd Class

4th Class

5th Class

6th Class

Abel Luis


Barra MacCarthy


Douglas Lawlor

David Murphy


Finn Duff


Alexander Barron

Anirudh Siva Arujothi


Peter Twomey


Benjamin Rogan

James Mulvany


Austin Santosh


Matthew McGrath

Diversity Projects


Happy Birthday

This week is a special week for these boys.

Scott Ball, Benjamin Byrne, Eoin Fallon, Tom O’ Hanlon, Ewan Mahon, Rudhán Quinn, Charles Fay, Alex Legaspi, Floren Junior Strimbu and Kevin Fraix.

We wish you a happy birthday boys!


Beir bua agus beannacht,


B. O’Donovan


this week’s advertisements

If you would like to advertise in the Wednesday Newsletter please get in touch by email –

Ads are €25 each for a half page and support the PA activities throughout the year.

Please see below.

Great Care Coop
Soccer Coaching
Football Fun