All pupils must enter by their designated door – usually the door nearest their classroom. This avoids needless congestion on the corridors.

It is the policy of the school to arrange homework and parents are strongly encouraged to take an active interest in their child’s homework. If homework causes worry for the pupil, parents are asked to contact the teacher.

Parents should sign homework each night when they are satisfied that every task is completed.

School milk is available. We have a healthy lunch policy. Pupils are encouraged to eat healthily. Sweets, fizzy drinks, crisps etc are not permitted.

Mislaid items of clothing may be found in the lost property box in the school hall. Please ensure that all clothes are labelled with child’s name. (Particulary, School Jackets)

Parent Teacher meetings are held annually for parents to discuss their child’s progress with the teacher. Parents will be notified in advance of the date of this meeting.

Parents may also meet with teachers at other times:

  • Junior and Senior Infants: Teachers will meet parents by appointment after 1.25pm.
  • 1st to 6th Classes: Teachers will meet parents by appointment.
  • 4th to 6th classes: During French Class by appointment.

The Principal, is also available to meet parents by appointment.

When you are coming to visit a teacher please check in with the Secretary first, to ensure the safety of all our boys.

After 9.00 a.m.—please enter and leave the building by the  main door only.

Parents are always very welcome to visit the school by appointment to review their child’s progress.

If a child appears to have a problem, the parent and teacher working together will usually sort it all out.

Discussions between parents and teachers are essential, especially where children have learning or behavioural difficulties.

At Parent Teacher meetings, parents may discuss their child’s progress with the teacher.

Should any parent feel that they have a grievance they should do something about it, quickly and personally.

The following procedures, which have been developed over time, have been found to facilitate the positive resolution of most problems.

Firstly, arrange to meet the teacher at a time convenient to both of you.

The agreed order for processing complaints is as follows:

  • Remember your son’s teacher is in Loco Parentis while he is in school. If you have a problem, a query or a complaint you should first approach the teacher and in general any difficulties should be resolved at this stage.
  • If you are still dissatisfied you should bring the issue to the next stage – the principal.  The principal, having listened to both sides, will try to settle the issue to the satisfaction of both parent and teacher.
  • If the issue still remains unresolved it should be passed to the Board of Management, in writing, through the Chairperson.
  • If still not satisfied, the complaint should be forwarded to the Department  of Education , in writing. Hopefully, this should not be necessary and everyone should endeavour to resolve the issue on the first step of the ladder.
  • No anonymous complaint will be entertained by a Teacher, Principal, the Board of Management or the Department of Education.
  • Our Parent’s Association cannot involve themselves in a complaints it is not their function.

For reasons of safety and discipline, parents are required to send notes of explanation, in the homework notebook, to class teachers for the following situations:-

  • If a child is unavoidably late for school.
  • If a child must leave early or during the school day  (i.e. Appointment with Doctor, Dentist)
  • If a child is unable to do, or complete homework.
  • If a child cannot go outside at playtime (i.e. broken limb, recovering from an operation, etc. where the playground might pose additional danger).
  • If a child has to be excused from P.E.

If a child has been absent from school, please do not phone the school secretary. Absence notes should not be written in the child’s Homework Journal. A separate note please as class teachers are required to keep a written explanation for all absences.

All absences of 20 days or more for whatever reason in the school year must be reported to the National Education Welfare Board by the school.

For the first few weeks

Parents may leave the child at the classroom door in the morning and collect from the classroom door at 1.25 p.m.

After the first few weeks

The children will come into the class themselves. At 1.25 p.m the class will be brought out by the teacher. Parents will collect their children at the Junior Infant Pick-up Point in the carpark. Parents will be advised of the change at the time.

Minor injuries are attended to and parents/guardians are contacted in the case of more serious incidents.

If your child becomes ill or should have an accident at school, every effort will be made  to contact parents or guardians.

Please do not send your child to school if they have a bad cold, persistent cough or a throat infection, or if they are generally  unwell in the morning.  Apart from your child feeling miserable, infections do spread very quickly in a classroom.

Should your child contact any contagious disease, i.e. measles, chicken pox, mumps, etc. please inform his class teacher immediately.

If your child needs a prescribed medication during school hours, the Board of Management has made arrangements with the Principal to allow parents, should they wish, to administer the medication. In a situation where the parents cannot administer the medication themselves, parents must advise the Board (via the Principal) in writing giving full details about medication which the child is to receive.

If a teacher should be requested to administer medication on a long-term basis, parents must write to the Board (via the Principal) informing the Board of the medication required. The Board will consider each case individually.