Wednesday letter 11th November
Dates for your diary
Parents of 3rd and 4th Class Boys – Oatlands College Open Evening: Thursday 14th November 2019, 5.30-7.30pm
Monthly Focus
Our focus on ‘kind words, kind actions’ is in its 5th week and teachers are noticing a huge difference in boys’ behaviour. Boys are now fully engaged with the school's rules and making every effort to obey them. Good work boys, keep it up!
New Security System
We are endeavouring to improve health and safety for all boys and staff in our school. During mid-term we installed new security systems on all our entry and exit doors. Parents and visitors must enter the school via the front office and ring the bell to gain access to the building. Boys leaving for appointments must be signed in and out on the book situated in the foyer.
Secondary Schools
Parents of boys in 3rd and 4th class, now is the time to start thinking about what secondary school your son will attend. Depending on the individual school policy, some boys will automatically get entry into secondary school because of siblings and/or parents attending the school. If this is not the case for your son, it is recommended that you have a plan A, B and C.
I am available to discuss secondary schools with you. Call the office and Eilish will set up a meeting.
Stars of the Future
This week's star of the future is Eoghan Conroy, 5th class. Eoghan wrote the most amazing poem last week about a Superhero. So good in fact, I promised him it would feature in the Wednesday letter! True to my word, Eoghan’s work has been published this week for every household to enjoy. Eoghan has a very bright future ahead of him and I’m proud to say he attends Hollypark BNS!
Quantum Man (by Eoghan Conroy: Age 11)
No more shall you lay in bed at night,
Shivering with fear and fright
For now, there’s a new guy in town,
A face to light up evil’s frown.
Boots as blue as diamond
As well as a torso,
White as snow are his arms and mask
Now that’s a task!
Every soul to hear,
his mighty great cheer
is in for a treat
for that’s such a great feat!
Though to some
he is not a soul to meet!
For he fights crime
in no time!
No matter big or how small,
How strong or weak
Mighty or meek,
If they dare to break the rules
of society -such an act of notoriety!
They shall fall before
The mighty QUANTUM MAN!
What is sure to be on
The mind of all wrong
Is- shall I fall to his
Portals or strength?
Or will he break the atoms of my
Power in itself?
Will I be shrunk into an electron
Shall I be deceived by his deception!
he can change every atom of my strength
to stop me stratum!
But what none can grasp,
Is that he behind the mask
Is a being that has a desire to stop.
If he could he’d give it all up,
despite what he desired.
Quantum man put out the fires
Dodging the bullets, he hit with the force of a meteorite
It was 200 to one, yet
He would be victorious.
And so he was but, in a way,
made some people furious
as Captain Remarkable arrived
Quantum man left.
Free of danger and strife,
he faces his greatest challenge - to live an ordinary life.
A shortened version of the Wednesday letter this week but it was important to share Eoghan’s magic words with you!
Beir bua agus beannacht,
Barry O'Donovan