Wednesday letter September 4th 2024
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | |
Basketball and Multisport Mr. Moloney 2nd-6th class | Basketball and Multisport Mr. Moloney 1st & 2nd class | Guitar with Marc 2.25 to 2.55 -2nd- 3rd WhatsApp to sign up. | Club Ceoil 1st-6th | Chess Text 0834527900 to book a place | |
GAA 1st-3rd with Maurice GAA Coach. | Art Club with Ms. Power | Tennis & Soccer Mr. Moloney 1st- 4th Class | Chess Text 0834527900 to book a place |
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Senior Infants Mr. Moloney | Chess Hector | LEGO Club Ms. Dunne 2nd Class | Art Club |
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| Junior & Senior Infants Dizzy Feet Dance Class with Denise 1.25-2.10 | Art Club __________ |
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| 1st and 2nd Class Dizzy Feet Dance Class with Denise 2.20-3.15 | Keyboard Creative Keyboard Junior and Senior Infants |
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| Keyboard Creative Keyboard 1st and 5th Class beginners |
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| Mini- World Cup 5th and 6th with Mr. Leahy |
It was lovely to meet our smiling, happy boys at the school gate last week. I hope you all had a lovely, restful summer. The staff in Hollypark BNS are excited to be back after the summer break. Please see below for some reminders.
Please do not block the area close to the school warden and allow the First Class parents space to collect first. Understandably, areas are busy initially as pupils and parents get used to the new entrance and exit points. You will find things will settle once the new routines become established.
We really appreciate your cooperation in using the one-way system and not blocking driveways of our local residents. For our pupils and School Warden’s safety please do not park close to the School Warden crossing point.
We encourage walking, cycling and scooting to school as much as possible. Foxrock Church has very kindly offered spaces for a park and walk system. If you do have to drive to school, we operate a morning and evening one-way system. Please see the maps below.
Approaching from Newtownpark Avenue
Approaching from Foxrock Avenue
When crossing the road, please cross with the School Wardens.
Please download Aladdin Connect from your App Store. This is our method of communication. In order to receive text messages, please ensure when signing up for Aladdin Connect that you verify your mobile number when requested to do so.
Please label all your belongings with name and contact number. Clothes and belongings found with no names will be donated to charity at the end of each month. We never know what weather lies around the corner. All boys should have a coat (labelled clearly) coming to school each day.
Please do not let the boys or their siblings play in the trees, gardens or near the car-park before or after school. We appreciate your cooperation.
School Uniform
Please ensure your son is wearing the correct uniform. Boys should wear the school tracksuit on PE days only.
We have 3 methods of contacting your son’s teacher.
Method 1, write a note in your son's homework journal. This is the easiest method and it will ensure that the message goes directly to the teacher.
Method 2, send an email via with FAO: the teacher’s name
OR method 3, via the contact section of the school website. In the contact section, a drop-down menu will appear with the names of all the teachers.
The local residents have once again asked us to appeal to all parents, not to block driveways and exit routes and to park safely in surrounding estates. We again remind you that free parking is available in Foxrock Parish car park. We encourage our older boys to walk, cycle and scoot to school. Everyone's cooperation in this will ensure the safety of our children and the happiness of our local residents.
Please avoid congestion on the footpaths and the entrance gates while waiting for admission each morning.
Congratulations to our wonderful new Junior Infant classes who have taken to their new surroundings like ducks to water. They have seriously impressed us with their independence, maturity and cooperation. Ms. Hynes, Ms. Murphy, Ms. Ryan, Mr. Mitchell, Ms. Dunne and SNAs Ms. Drury Byrne and Ms. Murphy are really looking forward to getting to know the boys and their parents over the coming weeks and months.
We will have an information evening for new infant parents & guardians on Thursday, September 19th @ 7pm.
A reminder to parents/guardians, Hollypark operates a Healthy Eating Policy.
- The following foods are not allowed: crisps/popcorn, high sugar cereal bars, lollipops, chocolate or chocolate covered foods, biscuits, fizzy drinks.
- For health and safety reasons, nuts should not be included in any lunchbox.
Please click the link to ensure your lunches are in compliance with the policy.
A reminder to parents/guardians, Hollypark BNS uses The Lunch Bag service for ordering freshly prepared lunches to your children. All Lunch Bag orders are in compliance with our Healthy Eating Policy. Click the link attached for more information on how to order.
Mobile phones and smart devices are getting a lot of media attention at present. A reminder to all that we have a mobile phone, smart watch and related devices policy in place in our Acceptable Usage Policy (AUP) published on our website.
The main points relating to mobile phones, smart watches and related devices are:
5. Personal Devices
- Pupils are not allowed to have their mobile phones / personal devices/smart watch and related devices etc. in class / school.
- In exceptional circumstances and only where absolutely necessary, a pupil who requires a phone after school, requires his parents/guardians to put this in writing to the school principal on the specified request form. The phone must remain off in the boy’s school- bag until he leaves the school grounds.
- Pupils are not allowed to take photographs / video clips / audio clips in the school grounds.
- The school accepts no responsibility for the loss or damage to personal devices.
- Any home school communication during school time from a pupil is through the school telephone in the secretary’s office
This week is a special week for these great boys, Conor Lardner, James Phelan, Ben Casey, Christopher Casey, Maximus Mc Ginity, Hugo Burns, Cian Tresson and Logan Webbley. We wish you a very happy birthday boys.
Congratulations to Logan, 6th class, and his teammates in Greystones Cricket Club. They won the Under 11 South Leinster League.
They are the first league winners in the history of the club! Well done Logan, a very bright cricket future lies ahead for you.
FAO: Principal Barry O’Donovan
Dear Mr. O'Donovan,
I am currently completing a Masters in Spatial Planning through TU Dublin. As part of my thesis, I am undertaking research on travel patterns associated with the journey to school. In order to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions, Ireland is currently experiencing a significant transport shift to sustainable modes, with existing research demonstrating that from an early age, attitudes and perceptions of transport options are shaped by the family unit.
This study focuses on Active Travel, and the barriers and opportunities present in local communities. I would really appreciate if your parent body could complete the attached 2-minute survey to assist in collecting real data. Results are non-judgmental and will remain anonymous at all times.
Many thanks,
Emma Willis
Core Credit hopes you all enjoyed your summer break. We will be returning with the Money Club in Hollypark Boys School on 16.09.2024. We will be onsite every Tuesday to collect the children’s savings. If your child already has an account with us, they can meet us and we can issue them a new card. Please contact us on 01 2725600 with any queries. If you would like further information on the Money Club in your school please go to
Beir bua agus beannacht,
SCHOOL YEAR 2024–2025
The school will commence accepting applications for admission on; | Monday, 30th September 2024
The school shall cease accepting applications for admission on; | Friday, 25th October 2024 @ 2:00pm
The date by which applicants will be notified of the decision on their application is; | Friday,15th November 2024
Applicants must confirm acceptance of an offer by; | Friday, 29th November 2024 @2pm |
Applications must include:
1. Completed application form
2. A copy of birth cert
3. **A current utility bill** (only for applicants living within the parish)
Click the link to view the Parish Map
**A current utility bill includes ESB, Gas bill, refuse collection bill, home phone bill etc. Please do not send personal bills. ie Bank statements, Mobile phone bills or insurance forms, etc**.
To be returned to the school by hand or post only to:
St. Patrick's BNS,
Co. Dublin
A94 FE02