Wednesday letter September 18th 2024
SCHOOL YEAR 2025–2026
The school will commence accepting applications for admission on; | Monday, 30th September 2024
The school shall cease accepting applications for admission on; | Friday, 25th October 2024 @ 2:00pm
The date by which applicants will be notified of the decision on their application is; | Friday,15th November 2024
Applicants must confirm acceptance of an offer by; | Friday, 29th November 2024 @2pm |
Applications must include:
1. Completed application form
2. A copy of birth cert
3. **A current utility bill** (only for applicants living within the parish)
Click the link to view the Parish Map
**A current utility bill includes ESB, Gas bill, refuse collection bill, home phone bill etc. Please do not send personal bills. ie Bank statements, Mobile phone bills or insurance forms, etc**.
To be returned to the school by hand or post only to:
St. Patrick's BNS,
Co. Dublin
A94 FE02

There has been a hugely positive response to the opening of our Autism Class (Ms. Dunne's class). Thank you for your kind words and generosity. We are all looking forward to the completion of the project! If you or your business would like to help in any way to bring the design concept above to life, please let us know via Thank you in advance. Charity Reg No. 20118341. I have attached a PDF below from Neurodiversity Ireland called, Embracing the Language of Neurodiversity. It is well worth a read for all of us.
To the staff and families of Hollypark BNS,
I would like to make you aware of an event our school is hosting. Please feel free to share with your school staff and school community. Adam Harris, Founder and CEO of will be joining us again on Monday 30th September, talking about his experience of the education system as an autistic student. This event is open to everyone to attend.
Kind regards,
Emma Dowling,
Deputy Principal
Cherrywood Educate Together National School
Tully Park, Cherrywood
Dublin 18 D18 Y48H
It is wonderful to see our corridors fill up with art pieces, creations and projects once more. The boys are working extremely hard academically while also remembering their wonderful Hollypark manners. Great efforts are being made on eye-contact, respect and manners during class time and on yard. On my daily visits to classrooms, the boys offer some great insights on how to play nicely on yard- including everybody in your games, kind hands, kind words, helping their classmates to play, and keeping your hands to yourself while lining up were just some of the great responses. We hope that you the parents, will help to re-enforce this message at home too.

We look forward to welcoming our Junior Infant parents & guardians into the school on Thursday, 19th September @7pm. Ms. Hynes, Ms. Murphy and Ms. Ryan will hold an information evening for parents in rooms 1,2 and 3. Parents and guardians from Ms. Dunne's class will attend the evening also.
The Parents' Association will welcome the parents into the hall for wine, cheese, tea/ coffee after the talk. We look forward to meeting you all.
Sports Blitz 2024
The Parents' Association are delighted to announce the date for our upcoming annual fundraising Sport Blitz which will take place on Friday 4th October. Sports activities on the day will include Soccer, GAA, Rugby, Cricket, Tennis, Volleyball, Stretch-n-Grow, Table Tennis, Pilates, Yoga, Dance Classes, Outdoor Games. With such a wide range of activities, it promises to be a day of active fun for all of the boys. If any parents would like to get involved on the day, please contact us at
The Sports Blitz is the Parents’ Associations main annual fundraiser for our school, and we deeply appreciate your generous support from last year. Thanks to your contributions, the PA were able to make valuable additions to our school over the year. The funds raised also helped cover the costs associated with PA organised events throughout the year, including parent evenings, Santa visits, communion celebrations and graduation events, including the 6th class yearbook.
This year, we are raising funds towards our new Autism Class. Your support will help us provide specialised learning tools, sensory equipment and a warm & welcoming environment which will make a huge difference in the lives of our new students.
Sponsorship cards will be sent home in the coming weeks, and we are encouraging the boys to take part by completing chores in exchange for sponsorship. Your support, in any form, is greatly appreciated. We are looking forward to making this year's Sports Blitz another memorable and successful day!
Sarah Walsh
Parents’ Association

Well done to the first class boys in Ms. Crowe's. After learning and reading many facts about the Titanic, the boys worked together to produce this large picture. It is on display outside their classroom.
Congratulations to Alex Hennessy, 3rd class, who recently won Player of the Tournament in the Granada Mini World Cup. Alex was presented with the Callum Mc Garvey trophy. Well done Alex, what a fantastic achievement!
We were delighted to welcome Principal Donal and Deputy Principal Miriam from Blackrock Educate Together to our school last Tuesday. Donal and Miriam spoke to all 5th and 6th classes about their relatively new school and all the facilities it has offer. For more information, check out the poster below and the school website
Junior Infant Information Evening | Thurs., September 19th | Junior Infants |
Junior Infant Photographs | Thurs., Sepember 19th | Junior Infants |
Jun. Infant Immunisation | 30th Sept.-2 Oct. | Junior Infants |
Sports Blitz | Friday, 4th October | Whole School |
Hallowe'en Dress Up Day | Friday, October 25th | Whole School |
Midterm Break | 28th Oct - 1st Nov. | Whole School |
Junior & Senior Infant Christmas Show | Friday, December 13th | Jun & Snr Infants |
6th class Christmas Show | Tues., 10th December | 6th class |
On Tuesday, 24th September at 10 am, 3rd - 6th class from Hollypark BNS and GNS will attend Foxrock Church for the opening of the year Mass.
All parents, grandparents and family members are welcome to attend the Mass.
2nd and 6th Class
Dear Parents/Guardians,
You are kindly invited to attend an Information Meeting for Sacramental Preparation on Tuesday 24th September at 7:30 pm in Foxrock Church. The meeting aims to give you information about the Communion and Confirmation year ahead and registering for the Sacraments.
Kind regards,
The Foxrock Parish Team
Dear Parent / Guardian
My name is Laurence Gavin and I am very happy to facilitate the Nasal Flu vaccine for children attending Hollypark BNS for the winter 2024 season. I am a registered pharmacist and I am based in Sandycove Pharmacy, Glasthule Co Dublin.
The HSE have asked that pharmacists and doctors engage with schools this year to deliver the vaccine to as many children as possible. The benefits of vaccination are significant for the children and the broader community including vulnerable patients and elderly relatives etc. This is my 3rd season to deliver the services on site in schools and it has been a big success. The convenience of having the service in school has been very well received by parents /guardians.
All of the information related to the vaccine and the benefits of having the vaccine can be found at If you have difficulty accessing this or if there are questions that remain after reviewing it,
please get in touch with me directly at
To register your child to receive the vaccine on the day please complete the booking form in the
link below.
There are some important details which are needed to accurately record the vaccination of your
child. Please double check these when completing the booking form.
When we have stock delivered by the HSE we will liaise with the school team and confirm a date
for the vaccination. The provisional dates are October 15th and 16th.
There is a cancellation link in the registration email that you will receive. This can be used to
cancel the service up to 12 hours before the date of our visit to the school.
Yours Sincerely
Laurence Gavin MPSI
Further reading -….
Please do not let the boys play in the trees on the school grounds before or after school. Please inform all minders and people collecting of this rule. Hollypark boys were seen bending and damaging trees in Granada between 1.30 pm and 2.30 pm while waiting for their older siblings. Please inform minders that this anti-social behaviour is not acceptable. In Hollypark, we pride ourselves on our kindness and respect to others and the environment around us.
Football season is back with a bang! Well done to our Junior A team who beat Scoil San Treasa yesterday with a very impressive and dominant victory. Our Junior B's battled hard but unfortunately came up against a very strong Ballyroan BNS team. Thank you to our coaches, Ms. Reynolds, Ms. Costello, Ms. Cryan, Mr. Lineen and Mr. Mitchell who gave up their afternoon to take the teams. We look forward to our Senior teams take to the field on Thursday.
The excitement was palpable on Wednesday morning as our senior infants donned their hurling helmets and head for the Astro. Hurleys in hand and smiles on faces greeted the 6 Kilmacud Crokes coaches. The boys had a great learning experience and played several games while working on their fundamental movement skills. Much to the delight of Mrs. Regan, our sports coordinator, the future of Hollypark hurling looks bright. The boys have a chance to do it all again for the next 6 weeks.
Core Credit hopes you all enjoyed your summer break. We will be returning with the Money Club in Hollypark Boys School from 17 September 2024. We will be onsite every Tuesday to collect the children’s savings. If your child already has an account with us, they can pop up and we can issue them a new card. Please contact us on 01 2725600 with any queries and if you would like further information on the Money Club in your school please go to

This week is a very special week for these boys: Jamie Healy, Robert Reys, Noah Mc Cann, Oisin Flynn Griffin, Rian Fogarty, Abel Jojo, Jamie Fitzpatrick, Jack Moran, Alexander O' Regan & Makar Skomorokha.
Have a lovely celebration boys!
Beir bua agus beannacht,


Our Open Evening is taking place on Thursday 3rd October from 18.30 to 20.30 at the school.