Wednesday letter March 5th 2025


Dear Parents/Guardians,

This week, Garda Gavin Fleet is visiting Hollypark Girls' and Boys' Schools to speak with our 5th and 6th classes. During his visit, Garda Gavin will share an important reminder with the students about the potential dangers of social media. He will emphasise the importance of respecting others, the consequences of sharing photos without consent, and the need to avoid harmful behaviours such as racism and homophobic remarks online. He will also explain how even one mean or hurtful post can lead to serious consequences, including criminal investigations, school suspensions, or expulsion.

As parents, if you decide to give your child a phone, we kindly ask that you be aware of the potential risks that come with it. The online world can be overwhelming and, at times, even dangerous. While phones can be a great tool for communication and learning, they also open doors to environments that may be difficult for younger users to navigate safely.

As principals, we are seeing the real impact of online interactions on our students. Apps like Snapchat in particular, can present a challenging and sometimes unsafe space. Messages on Snapchat are designed to disappear after a short time, meaning that, if you check your child’s phone in the evening, many of the posts from that day may already be gone. This can make it difficult to monitor their interactions and ensure their safety. Please note that Snapchat’s terms of service state that users must be at least 13 years old, and younger children may be exposed to content or conversations they are not ready to handle.

We encourage parents to consider where and how phones are used in your home. It is important that phones are not taken into bedrooms at night and are instead monitored regularly. Keeping the lines of communication open with your child and checking in on their online activity is vital.

As educators, we are committed to supporting our students whenever they experience or share harmful online interactions. However, addressing issues that arise from the misuse of technology often takes time away from teaching and learning. This not only impacts the individual student involved but also reduces the overall learning time for all pupils, hindering their access to the full curriculum and limiting their potential to succeed.

In the best interest of your child’s safety and well-being, we cannot stress enough the importance of understanding the risks of the online world—whether it’s social media, phones, or online gaming. We encourage you to stay informed about these risks so that you can help protect your child from potential harm.

Thank you for your ongoing support in keeping our students safe, happy, and healthy both online and offline.

Kind regards,

Barry O' Donovan & Gernadette Gunning

Please click the link for a parent's guide to Snapchat. 

Seachtain na Gaeilge


Tá Seachtain na Gaeilge a chéiliúreadh againn sa scoil. Tá na buachaillí ar bís! Tá imeachtaí ar siúl timpeall na scoile- Comótas Ealaíne, Grúpa Ceoil, Tráth na gCeist, Céilí leis na Cailiní, Raidió Sheachtain na Gaeilge ar an idirchum agus Rásaí ar an Astro. Tá seans ag na buachaillí duaiseanna a bhuacaint sa chomórtais “Gaelgeoir an Lae” agus “Gaelgeoir na Seachtaine”.  Tá na buachaillí gnóthach ag foghlaim amhráin, dánta agus rainn le haghaidh an Pharáid. Beidh an Pharáid ar siúl sa chlós ar an 13ú lá de Mhárta ag 11:00.


Engineers Week 2025 was a huge success in Hollypark BNS. Events took place across the week in all classes. Thank you to Ms. Hynes for organising and to the many parents and volunteers that came in to speak to the boys. Junior Infants were very lucky to get a visit from Oscar's mum, Ines, a space engineer. She chatted to the boys about space missions, going to space, and getting ready for space. The boys had wonderful questions and were fascinated by all things space-related.


Ms Hynes’ boys were very lucky to have a visit from Aidan Cleary, Cillín’s dad, a civil engineer. He spoke to the boys about bridges and showed them lots of equipment he uses for his job. The boys are delighted with the pencils he gave them. They will plant the pencils after use and are looking forward to seeing what flowers will grow from the seeds at the top of the pencils.


It was great to have Alan Keogh in to talk to the boys in 6th class about how engineering can assist with climate change.


World Down Syndrome Day

Get ready to rock in your odd socks once again, one of our favourite days of the year in Hollypark.


3rd Class Polar Adventures

Miss Fallon's class has been embarking on an icy adventure to Antarctica! They have gathered some fascinating facts on penguins, scientific research stations, Antarctic cruises, climate change and last but not least, our hero from the Kingdom - Tom Crean! We hope you enjoy our 'cool' pics! 




Ash Wednesday

6th Class will attend Mass on Ash Wednesday, 5th March and ashes will be distributed to all other classes in school.

First Penance (Reconciliation)

Dear Parents and Guardians,
We will start our family Zoom sessions for First Communion preparations on Monday, 10th March at 7:30 pm. The first session will focus on the sacrament of First Penance (Reconciliation).
The First Penance service is on Thursday, 13th March: 6 pm for HollyPark BNS and LFI & 7pm for HollyPark GNS

Please join the Zoom meeting using the link below. The session will last about 45 minutes. Ensure the Zoom app is downloaded and updated on your devices ahead of time. All sessions will be recorded if you cannot attend.


Meeting ID and Passcodes have been emailed to all participants. 

We look forward to seeing you and your children on Zoom on Monday 10th March,  and encourage you to join in and participate in the session. Please note there will be two further sessions on Monday 31st March, and Monday 28th April.

Kind regards
The Sacramental Team


  • Reconciliation 6 p.m. on Thursday 13/3/25
  • Communion Saturday 17/5/25 @ 10 a.m. and Sunday 18/5/25 @ 10 a.m. and 11.30 a.m.
  • Ceremony of light 7.30 p.m on Thursday 29/5/25
  • Confirmation 10 a.m on Saturday 7/6/25

Invitation to Mass at Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Church Foxrock.

Dear Parents/Guardians, We hope you are keeping well. We invite you to Mass, as follows;

  • Sat 8th March 2025 6pm Mass for Confirmation Recipients.
  • Sun 9th March 2025 10am Mass for Communion Recipients.

There will be refreshments after the 10am Mass on Sunday 9th March 2025, you are all welcome to come along.

We hope to see you all there.
Goretti and Noreen  [on behalf of the Parish Sacramental Team]



This week is an important week for these great pupils: Gordon Goodwin, Conor Hanly, Senan Hanly, Nicholas Twomey, Niall Buckley & James Daly.

Enjoy the celebrations boys! 

Beir bua agus beannacht,




February 2025March 2025April 2025May 2025 Testing MonthJune 2025
1SaPeace Proms RDS1Sa 1Tu 1Th 1Su 
2Su 2Su 2We 2Fr 2MoBank Hol
3MoBank Hol3Mo 3Th 3Sa 3Tu 
4Tu 4Tu 4Fr 4Su 4We 
5We 5We 5Sa 5Mo 5Th 
6Th 6Th 6Su 6Tu 6Fr 
7Fr 7Fr 7Mo 7We 7SaConfirmation
8SaUniform Sale 10am8Sa 8Tu 8Th 8Su 
9Su 9Su 9We 9Fr 9MoConf. Photos 6th
10Mo 10MoSNAG10Th 10Sa 10Tu 
11TuSafer Internet
11Tu 11Fr 11Su 11We 
12We 12We 12Sa 12Mo 12ThSports Day
13Th 13ThParáid13Su 13Tu 13Fr 
14FrCAKE SALE (PA)14Fr 14MoEaster Holidays14We 14Sa 
15Sa 15Sa 15Tu 15Th 15Su 
16Su 16Su 16We 16Fr 16Mo 
17Mo 17MoBank Hol17Th 17SaFirst Communion17Tu 
18Tu 18TuSchool Closed18Fr 18SuFirst Communion18We 
19WeIN-SERVICE 12noon finish19We 19Sa 19MoCommunion Photos19Th 
20ThMid-term20Th 20SuEaster20Tu 20Fr 
21FrMid-term21FrOdd Sock Day21MoEaster Holidays21We 21Sa 
22Sa 22Sa 22Tu 22Th 22Su 
23Su 23Su 23We 23Fr 23Mo 
24Mo 24Th 24Sa 24Tu6th class Graduation
25TuEW +WSE-MLL25Tu 25Fr 25Su 25We 
26WeEW+ WSE-MLL26We 26Sa 26Mo 26Th 
27ThEW+WSE-MLL27Th 27Su 27Tu 27FrFinal Day of term
28FrEW28Fr 28MoReturn to School28WeNew Infant story Day 13.4528Sa 
   29Sa 29Tu 29Th 29Su 
   30Su 30We 30Fr 30Mo 
   31Mo    31Sa