Wednesday letter 31st August 2022

image back to school


It was lovely to meet our smiling, happy boys at the school gate yesterday morning. I hope you all had a lovely, restful summer.  The staff in Hollypark BNS are excited to be back after the summer break. Please see below for some reminders. 

Class Entrance Areas:  
        New Building:  

  • 5th & 6th classes enter via new building from 8:35a.m. 

    Grey Gates/Car park Exit Point: 

  • 1st&2nd classes enter via grey gates to Junior yard from 8:35a.m.  

  • 4th classes enter via grey gates at 8:40a.m. Staff will be on hand to direct the boys. 

  • 3rd classes wait along the wall right of the entrance and enter at 8:40a.m. via ramp door. 

  • Jun. and Sen Infants will enter via the Junior Infant door at 8:40a.m.  
    School staff will be around to direct the boys. 

 Exit Points: School Warden: 

As we are returning to pre –pandemic times, all classes from 1st-6th will exit via the school warden in this order. 

  • 6th& 5th will exit at 2:20p.m.  

2:25p.m. (in this order) 

  • 1st classes 2:25p.m. 

  • 2nd classes 

  • 3rd classes 

  • 4th classes 

Please do not block the area close to the school warden and allow the First Class parents space to collect first. It is understandable that areas are busy initially as pupils and parents get used to the new entrance and exit points. You will find things will settle once the new routines become established. 

We really appreciate your cooperation in using the one-way system and not blocking up driveways for our local residents. For our pupils and School Warden’s safety please do not park close to the School Warden crossing point. 



We encourage walkingcycling and scooting to school as much as possible. Foxrock Church have very kindly offered spaces for a park and walk system. If you do have to drive to school, we operate a morning and evening one way system.

Approaching from Newtownpark Avenue

map one way system

Approaching from Foxrock Avenue

map one way system


When crossing the road, please cross with the School Wardens.


Please ensure all families are signed up to Aladdin Connect. This is our method of communication. In order to receive text messages, please ensure when signing up for Aladdin Connect that you verify your mobile number when requested to do so.


Please label all your belongings with name and contact number. Clothes and belongings found with no names will be donated to charity at the end of each month. 


For the month of September, we will focus on manners, courtesy and respect. This focus is not only for when boys are present in the school building but also as they represent us in the community. We are immensely proud of our boys, both past and present, and we take great pride in hearing how well they are looked upon in our community. We continue to focus on kind words and kind actions and the great saying ‘If it is not nice, don’t say it. If it is not nice, don’t do it.’ Boys can take this mantra with them everywhere they go.


Congratulations to our wonderful new Junior Infant classes who have taken to their new surroundings like ducks to water. They have seriously impressed us with their independence, maturity and cooperation. Ms. Kilty, Ms. Dunne and Ms. Ryan are really looking forward to getting to know the boys and their parents over the coming weeks and months. We will have a parents' evening for new infant parents in early October where you will get to meet and greet school staff.  


This year our 5th class students are trialling a new spelling programme called Spellings for Me. Spellings for Me is an online and an offline programme. The online aspect is the child's profile, where they log in and take a series of tests. The offline aspect is the differentiated workbook. This is a valuable resource to accompany the online program. It provides a clear framework of activities for both teachers and students. Within this framework, are differentiated activities that support the child's learning of the errors they made online. Despite being a “spelling workbook”, it is still completely differentiated, as children print out their spellings from their individual online profile and paste them into the workbook. The child works according to their ability, not their class or age. 


We have two methods of contacting your son’s teacher. Method one, send an email via with FAO: the teacher’s name or method two, via the contact section of the school website. In the contact section, a drop-down menu will appear with the names of all the teachers.

Contact section


logo happy birthday

This week is a special week for these boys; Euan Ferris, Dylan Morkan, Mario Thomas, Fionn Walsh, Cal Mc Fetridge, Conor Lardner and Ben Casey.
We hope you have a lovely celebration! 


school calendar
Image Dodgeball


The staff and pupils in Hollypark would like to wish Mr. Mc Evoy the very best of luck as his Irish squad play in the Dodgeball World Cup in Canada this week. Mr. Mc Evoy is the Irish International Head Coach. Follow for more information. 

I am really looking forward to the year ahead and working with our school community once more.

Beir bua agus beannacht,


Barry O'Donovan