Wednesday letter January 10th 2024



A very warm welcome back to our school community. I hope you all had a happy and peaceful Christmas. It was great to see our wonderful students bounce in the doors once again. The boys were straight back to work and looking forward to the challenges that 2024 may bring them! 

At assembly on Monday, we chose the word RESPECT as our word for 2024. The boys are encouraged to respect themselves and each other, their teachers, SNAs and parents, their coaches and others that lend a helping hand. They are also asked to respect their property and belongings. We had a thoughtful discussion in many classes and the boys feel a real focus on respect will set them up for success in later life. Parents, if you could discuss the ideas above and encourage respect, it would really help our focus for the new year. Tús maith leath na h-oibre!  


Parent teacher meetings will begin soon. Teachers will release time and date slots available through our Aladdin system this week. When the tme slots have been made available, you can follow the infographic below for tips on how to book your time slot. Please ensure you are signed up to the ALADDIN CONNECT app. 



January 31st and February 1st, school will close @ 2.15pm to facilitate parent teacher meetings. Collection time for 1st-6th class is 2.15pm. 



We extend our best wishes to Ms. Crowe’s 6th Class who are really looking forward to taking part in the Primary Science Fair in the RDS tomorrow. The boys have been working tirelessly on their project since before Christmas and we are all so proud of them! Their project is titled: Is there an impact on learning depending on the type of school you attend? They have carried out history lessons in boys' schools, girls' schools and mixed schools during the past 6 weeks. They look forward to reporting their findings at the exhibition tomorrow. It is such an exciting and memorable event to be a part of! Best of luck tomorrow boys and we can’t wait to hear how you all get on. 

I look forward to attending the presentation in the RDS on Thursday. 



Keep an eye out for our latest new additions to Hollypark BNS. During the Christmas break, Mr. Jones was busy building squirrel tables! Our resident squirrels will be feasting on delicious snacks in the coming months. We currently have a team of four 6th class boys planning and designing an insect hotel which we hope to have up and runnning before the end of January. Our boys are very eco-conscious and we are always trying to play our part to keep our insect and pollinator habitats alive and well. 


Dyslexia Courses Ireland

For the attention of 5th & 6th class parents.
For the last 3 years, Dyslexia Courses Ireland has been presenting zoom webinars for parents in second level schools on how they can support the student with dyslexia.  In recent times we have noticed that up to a third of participants are parents of children in 6th or 5th class in primary who want to be informed of the challenges at second level and what parents can do to help.

I attach the details of the webinar on Wednesday 24th January 2024 in case you have parents who might be interested in such a webinar.  The numbers are kept to approximately 35, so that there is time for discussion and questions.  It is a very practical session as you will see from the content in the attached details. 

These webinars are part of our activities to increase the awareness of dyslexia at second level which include:

  • The Factsheets on Dyslexia at Second Level which are updated annually which I attach.
  • A Newsletter on Dyslexia for second level schools.  I attach the January 2024 Newsletter. You might be interested in Dyslexia Hub, a dyslexia friendly style, and Neurodiversity. 
    Courses for teachers, parents and students on dyslexia at second level.  At this stage over 7000 teachers have attended our sessions and we have presented in-service in over 130 second level schools.  Since Covid, many of our courses are provided through the Education Centres by zoom.

Wyn McCormack 

Ph 087 2582345 email

Childminding in Ireland Survey 2023

Subject: Please share this important survey to all parents - Childminding Ireland

Dear Principal,

We are writing to you to ask you to circulate the Childminding in Ireland Survey 2023 to all parents so that they can then share to as many childminders as possible. We need their help to influence the decision makers on the future of childminding. We have prepared the email below and also attached for ease of sharing.  

For decades, countless parents and families across Ireland have relied on the valuable services provided by childminders.  The National Action Plan for Childminding is moving towards statutory regulation of childminding in Ireland, with new regulations planned to be introduced by Autumn 2024.

As the National Body for Childminding, we recognise the potential harm to the Childminding sector if childminders do not have an opportunity to have their say.  If childminders are faced with an inappropriate system, the likelihood is that childminders may stop childminding which will have a significant impact on thousands of families throughout Ireland.

Thank you in advance for sharing this survey, it is greatly appreciated.

Kind regards,

Bernadette Orbinski Burke
Chief Executive



This week is a very special week for the great boys: Hari Cahill, Maximillian Mc Phillips, Ruairí Brennan, Darragh Geraghty, Oliver Cunniffe, Andrei Geyger, Cole De Rís, Jake Marston, Christoph Thomas agus Renzo Marino
Have a wonderful celebration boys. 

Beir bua agus beannacht

