Wednesday Letter - 9 September 2020

The Great Return!

It is wonderful to have all our boys and staff back in school with us. We have missed them so much over the past 6 months. I would like to thank parents, guardians and minders for adhering to the new procedures in place in Hollypark BNS this year and making the return so happy, calm and orderly.

Having reviewed all our procedures we are now able to reduce the staggered times. This new timetable will begin on Monday 14th. Please see the table below for your son’s class. In order to keep the school community safe, please continue to practise social distancing.

Entry & Exit Times from Monday 14th September

Start TimeLocation of Drop OffEnd TimeLocation of Collection
Jun. Infants
Jun. Infant entrance door11.30am
Mon 14th‑18th
Mon 21st‑Onwards
Jun. Infant door
Sen Infants
Rear of school1.25pmSen. Infant collection area at front of the building
1st Class
Rear of the school2.15pmRear of the school
2nd Class
Walk into classroom via 2nd/3rd class entrance door2.20pmRear of the school
3rd Clas
Walk into classroom via 2nd/3rd class entrance door2.25pmExit at school warden at front of school.
4th Class
Walk into classroom via ramp door entrance2.20pmExit at school warden at front of school.
5th Class
Walk into school via Jun. Infant door2.15pmExit at school warden at front of school.
6th Class
Walk into school via Jun. Infant door2.15pmExit at school warden at front of school.


New Infants

Last Friday, we welcomed our wonderful, new Junior Infant classes for the first time. The boys (and parents!) were incredible and if you didn’t know any better, you would think they have been coming here for years! Our youngest boys bounced in the door with wide smiles on their faces. Well done boys, we are already very impressed by you!

Stars of the Future!

Congratulations to Harry Keenan in 4th class, on his great victory in the u10’s Meadowvale Tennis Championship last Saturday.

New Astro Pitch

Great progress has been made on the new pitch during the summer months and we hope to have our first PE session on it on Monday 14th September. Very exciting news for all of us!

What To Do If your Child Is Unwell

If your child is feeling unwell, he must stay at home from school.

If your child is displaying symptoms of Covid-19, please see the Isolation Quick Guide attached and follow the guidelines issued by the HSE. Further information can be found on our school website under the Covid-19 Section.

If your child becomes unwell in school and is displaying Covid-19 symptoms, he will be brought to the school’s isolation room and parents will be contacted to collect the child. Parents will receive a letter from the school as to what procedures you must follow.

If a child is displaying symptoms unrelated to Covid-19, parents will be contacted and he can be collected from outside the school office. All boys must be signed out by an adult.

If your child is returning to school after feeling unwell, please provide a written note explaining the reason for absence and the guidelines that you have followed to ensure a safe return. This note can be given to his teacher or emailed to

Please view the Isolation Quick Guide below 

Aladdin Permission

Please see the recent email regarding permission for Seesaw. If you could allow permission, on Aladdin Connect, we can set our blending learning programme in progress, in case of a pod/class/school closure.

Beir bua agus beannacht,




Isolation Quick Guide from the HSE

Isolation quick guide

Applying to those aged greater than 3 months and up to 13th birthday
V1 .1 03.09.2020 

COVID-19 symptoms: Fever more than or equal to 38.0⁰C or new cough or shortness of breath or anosmia, dysguesia or ageusia*

Self-isolation means staying indoors and completely avoiding contact with other people. This includes other people in your household, as much as possible. It applies to people with proven or suspected COVID-19.

Restricting movement means avoiding contact with other people and social situations as much as possible. It applies to those who are without symptoms but considered at higher risk of developing COVID-19 because they were exposed to a particular risk.

1Proven COVID-19Self-isolate 14 days with last 5 days without a fever


Close contacts restrict movements for 14 days (after last contact with case)
2COVID-19 symptoms, not testedSelf-isolate 14 days with last 5 days without a feverClose contacts restrict movements for 14 days



COVID-19 symptoms awaiting test (this includes patients with samples reported as indeterminate/invalid until such time as repeat test is available or it has been determined that COVID-19 has been excluded on other grounds)

Self-isolate pending test resultMembers of the household restrict movements pending test results
4COVID-19 symptoms test result “Not Detected”Follow medical advice. Restrict movement until 48 hours symptom freeRestrictions no longer needed
5Some medical symptoms that may be COVID-19 related and awaiting medical assessment that day to determine if testing is requiredSelf-isolate pending assessmentNo restrictions until medical assessment offers further direction.
6Runny nose or other minor symptoms and ‘offform’, no fever equal to or greater than 38.0⁰C, no cough, no short of breath, NO ill household contacts or history of travel.Keep home from school or childcare for a period of 48 hours to observe emerging condition.No restrictions
7Runny nose or other minor symptoms and ‘offform’, no fever equal to or greater than 38.0⁰C, no cough, no shortness of breath, but YES to history of travel or household members with symptoms of COVID-19


Self-isolate pending assessmentMembers of the household restrict movements pending assessment

Runny nose, not unwell, good form, good energy and normal appetite, no fever, not requiring paracetamol, ibuprofen or any other antipyretic

Can go to schoolNo restrictions
9No symptoms, close contact of a proven caseRestrict movements for 14 days, testing as advised.No restrictions
10Travel from non “Green-List” countryRestrict movements for 14 days, self-isolate and test if develops symptomsNo restrictions unless the person who has returned develops symptoms.

*loss of sense of smell, or loss of sense of taste or distortion of sense of taste

HSE Health Protection Surveillance Centre