Wednesday letter 6th Nov

Dates for your diary

Parents of 4th Class Boys – Oatlands College Open Evening
Thursday 14th November 2019, 5.30-7.30pm


I hope everyone had a lovely mid-term break and a happy and safe Halloween. I’m sure all the boys have returned to school feeling refreshed and ready to start the second half of this term.

Monthly Focus

Last month we focused on ‘kind words, kind actions’. I will continue with this focus for another month. In general, all boys are extremely well behaved and following our rules, but there are times when boys can forget themselves and get into trouble. It is important that school and home are working together to promote positive behaviour.

Parents’ Association

I would like to give a special mention to our outgoing chairperson Sarah Abbey for all the amazing work she has done over the past two years. Sarah was a breath of fresh air and managed to get through an enormous amount of work. With her endless enthusiasm she always managed to get the best out of her team of parents. Well done Sarah and thank you for all you have done to make Hollypark BNS the best it can be!

Thank you to all the parents on the Parents’ Association who worked so tirelessly for the betterment of our school and we thank you for your service. Best of luck to the incoming chairperson, Jo- Ann Durnin and her team of parents.

Parents’ Association Sports Blitz

What a wonderful day this turned out to be. The sun was shining and faces were smiling throughout the day! Boys really enjoyed their full day of sport and went home exhausted from all their different activities. We raised 15,500Euro for the school which will be spent on new resources to improve the teaching and learning in Hollypark BNS. 

Health and Wellbeing

Boys from 4th class were invited to view our Wellbeing Wall this week for some positive inspiration. Slogans and inspirational banners included, ‘If you’re angry and you know it, walk away’, ‘with a little help, I can get this’, ‘mistakes help me improve’ and my personal favourite, ‘never forget to tell yourself you are awesome!’ Thank you 5th class for encouraging the whole school to be positive and to always look on the bright side of life!

Frása na Seachtaine

An Geimhreadh atá ann. Tá sé dorcha san oíche.
(It is winter. It is dark at night.)

Peace Proms

3rd class boys are busy learning songs from George Ezra, Disney, Queen and The Greatest Showman in preparation for their Peace Proms Concert in early 2020. They will attend a practice with other schools in the National Sports Arena, Blanchardstown this week. Thanks to Ms. Maloney for leading the boys in this fantastic project.

Stars of the Future

Well done to Luke Madigan, Tomás Young and Éoin Bates from Ms. Morgan/Ms. O’Donovan’s 3 rd class, who detailed how to propagate spider plants, at a recent assembly. I also received a present of a spider plant for my new office! Thank you boys.

Infant Collection Point

A reminder to parents collecting boys at 1.25pm that the collection point for Junior Infant boys is to the left of the path near the ‘Hollypark rock’. Collection point for Senior Infant boys is behind the railings on the footpath.

I also ask all parents not to block any driveways or double park at morning drop off and evening collection times. Please be mindful of the local residents.

New Security System

We are endeavouring to improve health and safety for all boys and staff in our school. During mid-term we installed new security systems on all our entry and exit doors. Parents and visitors must enter the school via the front office and ring the bell to gain access to the building. Boys leaving for appointments must be signed in and out on the book situated in the foyer.


If boys have been sick the night before school, please do not send them in the next day. Bug are spreading rapidly through the school.

Beir bua agus beannacht,

Barry O'Donovan