Wednesday letter 5.2.2020

Dates for your Diary

First Reconciliation for 2nd class
Tuesday, 25th February at 6.30pm

Ceremony of Light 6th class
Tuesday, March 10th at 7pm

Monthly Focus

As the evening s get slightly longer and the skies begin to brighten now is a great time to re-focus on limiting screen time at home.

This month’s focus is Limiting Screen time. We see firsthand the negative effect that prolonged screen time has on the concentration and behaviour of our boys. We also see the positive effect that fresh air, activities, sports and play has on the holistic development of each child.

Fundamental Movement Skills/ RTÉ News2Day

We place a strong emphasis on Fundamental Movement Skills and physical literacy in Hollypark BNS. Visit for help with the basic skills of walking, running, jumping, dodging, landing, balancing, side stepping, skipping, hopping, throwing, striking with the hand and foot.

RTÉ News2Day will bring their camera crew and reporters to the school on Wednesday 26th February and boys of Hollypark will feature on the news that afternoon. RTÉ News2day will showcase the excellent work done by staff and boys of Hollypark in relation to FMS and physical literacy. A very exciting day for our wonderful school!

Peace Proms

Last Saturday afternoon, our 3 rd class boys joined 2,500 children from other schools in Dublin and the Cross- border orchestra to form one large choir. Peace Proms celebrates culture and diversity and promotes peace, unity and tolerance through music. It was a truly marvelous afternoon of entertainment. The boys were singing, dancing and smiling throughout. Many thanks to their teachers Ms. Flannery, Ms. Morgan, Ms. O’ Donovan, Mr. Cunnane, SNA Ms. Durning and a special thanks to Ms. Maloney for all her work in organising and preparing the boys for this fabulous event.

Mental Health and Wellbeing

Supporting Parents to Support Their Children’s Mental Health and Wellbeing.

  • Evening 1: Infants to 2nd – Wednesday 5th February at 7.30pm
  • Evening 2: 3rd to 6th – Wednesday 12th February at 7.30pm

Refreshments will be served on the night. Thanks to our Parents’ Association for organising.

Wellbeing Wall

Parents attending on Wednesday night, make sure you look out for the 5th class Wellbeing Wall on each side of the PE hall entrance. Our team of 5th class boys, their teachers and SNA, Ms. Conroy are inspiring the rest of the school to make healthy lifestyle choices, talk about their feelings and be kind to their mind.

Remember boys, it’s ok not to feel ok. I am here to listen and help if ever you need me.

Visit for more tips and ideas on how to look after yourself.

Quiz Teams

Congratulations to our u13 and u11 quiz teams who qualified for the next round of the Credit Union table quiz on Monday night. Both teams finished in 2nd place overall and we are very proud of them. Thank you to Ms. Brennan for all her help in preparing the teams and attending Monday night’s quiz.

Stars of the Future

Best of luck to our tennis star Michael O’ Leary who plays an international tournament in the Netherlands next week. We wish you well Michael!

Valentine’s Cake Sale

The Valentine’s cake sale will take place on February 14th. Due to boys in the school presenting with severe nut allergies, we ask that you please keep the cakes, treats and buns nut free. Once again, a bike will be raffled at the cake sale. Tickets will be available from Monday in the boys’ classes.

After School Activities

We have a wealth of offerings for after school activities from 1st - 6th class, beginning on Monday 10th February. Notes will go home in the bags today. You will find a full list of the activities overleaf. Places are limited to 16 per class and will be issued on a first come, first served basis.

Motó don Ghaelbhratach

Bí ag caint,
Bí ag spraoi,
Gaeilge líofa,
A hAon, a Dó, a Trí

Beir bua agus beannacht,

Barry O'Donovan