Wednesday Letter - 23 September 2020


Parents please ensure that you are signed up for Aladdin Connect. This is our main method of whole school communication and is it very important you are receiving emails and texts from the school.

When you sign up for Aladdin Connect

  • When requested by Aladdin Connect, make sure you have verified your mobile number
  • Please do not change the emergency contact number to your own number, parents will always be contacted first and in the event of no answer, we will then contact your emergency contact
  • Please supply childminder and after school care numbers

Representing Hollypark

We are very proud of all our boys in Hollypark. We are proud of the reputation that Hollypark has in the local community and we are always striving to maintain this. I would like to remind boys that when outside school, especially when wearing our uniform, they are still representing our fantastic school. We all have a responsibility to show manners, courtesy and respect in our community.

No Dogs Allowed On The School Campus

No Dogs Icon

For the safety, health and welfare of all our boys we ask that you do not bring dogs onto the school campus. Thank you for your understanding.

Monthly Focus

This month in school, we are focusing on gratitude. Throughout the week, each class are pausing and taking some time for reflection. Boys share with their teachers the reasons for their gratitude. Older boys in the school are keeping a gratitude journal.   


Well done to Con and Cian O’ Callaghan, sons of Mrs. O’Callaghan, who helped Cuala secure the Dublin Senior Hurling Championships once again this week. Con O’ Callaghan has also been invited to officially open our new Astro pitch in the coming weeks. Well done to 3rd class pupil Donal Carron who successfully negotiated terms and conditions with Con last weekend! A future as a chief negotiator is looking bright for Donal!  

Astro Pitch Holly Park


Hollypark will be creating many more stars of the future in the months and years to come thanks to the world class facilities now at our disposal. I am delighted to say that our Astro pitch project is now fully complete and PE classes and training sessions can begin in earnest. Huge credit must go to our Chairperson, Seamus Clancy, board member John Cunniffe and my predecessor Helen Kelly, for their part in the project.


Birthday Cake

This week is a special week for these wonderful boys:
Matthew Mc Grath, Shaurya Verma, Isaac Byrne, Shane Mc Donagh, James Martin, Finn Mc Donald, Aidan Martin, Kellan Jensen and Milo Flannagan

Happy birthday boys! We hope you have a lovely celebration!

Beir bua agus beannacht,





Isolation quick guide

Applying to those aged greater than 3 months and up to 13th birthday V1 .1 03.09.2020 

COVID-19 symptoms: Fever more than or equal to 38.0⁰C or new cough or shortness of breath or anosmia, dysguesia or ageusia*

Self-isolation means staying indoors and completely avoiding contact with other people. This includes other people in your household, as much as possible. It applies to people with proven or suspected COVID-19.

Restricting movement means avoiding contact with other people and social situations as much as possible. It applies to those who are without symptoms but considered at higher risk of developing COVID-19 because they were exposed to a particular risk.






Proven COVID-19

Self-isolate 14 days with last 5 days without a fever

Close contacts restrict movements for 14 days (after last contact with case)


COVID-19 symptoms, not tested

Self-isolate 14 days with last 5 days without a fever

Close contacts restrict movements for 14 days


COVID-19 symptoms awaiting test (this includes patients with samples reported as indeterminate/invalid until such time as repeat test is available or it has been determined that

COVID-19 has been excluded on other grounds)

Self-isolate pending test result

Members of the household restrict movements pending test results


COVID-19 symptoms test result “Not Detected”

Follow medical advice. Restrict movement until 48 hours symptom free

Restrictions no longer needed


Some medical symptoms that may be COVID-19 related and awaiting medical assessment that day to determine if testing is required

Self-isolate pending assessment

No restrictions until medical assessment offers further direction.


Runny nose or other minor symptoms and ‘offform’, no fever equal to or greater than 38.0⁰C, no cough, no short of breath, NO ill household contacts or history of travel.

Keep home from school or childcare for a period of 48 hours to observe emerging condition.

No restrictions


Runny nose or other minor symptoms and ‘off form’, no fever equal to or greater than 38.0⁰C, no cough, no shortness of breath, but YES to history of travel or household members with symptoms of COVID-19

Self-isolate pending assessment

Members of the household restrict movements pending assessment


Runny nose, not unwell, good form, good energy and normal appetite, no fever, not requiring paracetamol, ibuprofen or any other antipyretic

Can go to school

No restrictions


No symptoms, close contact of a proven case

Restrict movements for 14 days, testing as advised.

No restrictions


Travel from non “Green-List” country

Restrict movements for 14 days, self-isolate and test if develops symptoms

No restrictions unless the person who has returned develops symptoms.

*loss of sense of smell, or loss of sense of taste or distortion of sense of taste

HSE Health Protection Surveillance Centre