Wednesday letter 15th January

Dates for your Diary

Parent Teacher Meetings
Wednesday 29th and Thursday 30th January
School will close at 2.10pm on each of these days to facilitate meetings 

Monthly Focus

Our focus this month will be ‘treating everybody with respect’. Respect for ourselves, classmates, other pupils, teachers and staff. It is also important to remember to treat our own property and the property of others with respect. Teachers are noticing a huge difference this week – what a great start to 2020!


As part of our SPHE (Social, Personal, Health Education) we are required to teach the ‘Stay Safe’ programme. Stay Safe is taught in senior infants, second, fourth and sixth classes. Boys will complete worksheets based on lessons taught in class which will in turn will discussed and signed at home by parents/ guardians. Worksheets will then be returned to the class teacher.

Invitation to Crocus Project

Hollypark GNS will present their interpretation of The Crocus Project on Sunday 26th January at 2pm, in Foxrock Church.

Their presentation tells the story of one of the teachers in their school and her Jewish family. It outlines her family’s experiences during World War II as French Jews living in Paris, during the German occupation. It is a truly memorable and thought-provoking presentation.

Hollypark GNS have extended a welcome to all families in the Boys’ School and the wider Foxrock community to attend. Please spread the word!

Laudate Choir

To celebrate Catholic Schools’ Week, our 3rd class boys are invited to sing at 10am Mass in Foxrock Church on January 26th. They will form part of the Laudate Choir along with the 3rd classes from Hollypark GNS. Boys are to be seated by 9.45am wearing full school uniform. 

Mental Health and Wellbeing

In February, Martina Boylan from the National Parents’ Council will give a talk on Supporting Parents to Support Their Children’s Mental Health and Wellbeing. The talk will be on two separate evenings

  • Evening 1: Infants to 2nd - Wednesday 5th February at 7.30pm
  • Evening 2: 3rd to 6th - Wednesday 12th February at 7.30pm

A New Year, A Happy and Healthier You

SNA Gillian Conroy, teachers and pupils of 5th class are finished putting the final touches to our Mental Health and Wellbeing board located in our entrance hallway.

Boys are encouraged to select two new ways to stay healthy for January/ February 2020.

Options include: Eat a healthy breakfast each morning, drink more water (4 glasses per day), eat more fruit and vegetables, be more active (at least 30-60 mins per day), turn devices off 60 mins before bedtime, read more and go to bed earlier.

I will look forward to hearing their choices at assembly!

Parent/Teacher Meetings

Parent/Teacher meetings take place on Wednesday 29th and Thursday 30th January. School will close at 2.10pm on each of these days to facilitate meetings. Some teachers are organising other times and dates and will be in contact with you this week through your son’s homework journal.

For the meetings to run smoothly for both parents and teachers, we ask you not to bring your children to the school at the time of your meeting.

After School Activities - Chess

After school activities will re-commence in February after parent/teacher meetings, except for chess which began a new term on Monday 13th January.

Traffic Issues

Please, drive with caution and park with responsibility when dropping and collecting your children. Please have consideration for residents in the locality- do not block both sides of the roads or driveways.

Boys should only cross over roads at designated points where the lollipop ladies are situated. Let’s all work together to prevent an accident before it’s too late.

Be Safe, Be Seen

Boys cycling and scooting to school must wear helmets and HiViz jackets. Please ensure your son complies with these rules and the rules of the road.

Frása na Seachtaine

Bhí stoirm ann. Bhí sé fluich agus gaofar.

Beir bua agus beannacht,

Barry O'Donovan